
Registros 81-100 de 934 para la búsqueda

Autor M.  Y Tipo de documento Material cartográfico impreso Y Institución Biblioteca Nacional de España 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

81. An Accurate Map of Nottingham Shire [Material cartográfico] : Describing its Wapontakes and Divisions Drawn from the best Authorities assisted by the most approved Modern Maps...

Bowen, Emanuel (m. 1676) - 1775?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

82. An Accurate Map of Radnor Shire [Material cartográfico] : Drawn from an Actual Survey with various Improvements, Ilustrated with Historical Extracts...

Wilkinson, Robert (m. ca. 1825) - entre 1775 y 1795?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

83. An Accurate Map of Shrop Shire Divided into its Hundreds [Material cartográfico] : Drawn and Compiled from the most approved Maps & Surveys & Illustrated with various additional Improvements Also Historical Extracts relative to Trade, Manufactures, Natural History &c. not Extant in any other Map of this County

Bowen, Emanuel (m. 1676) - entre 1775 y 1795?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

84. An Accurate Map of the West Riding of York Shire, Divided into its Wapontakes [Material cartográfico] : Drawn from Surveys, with various additional Improvements : Illustrated with Historical Extracts relative to its Natural Produce, Mines, Minerals, Manufactures, Trade and the present state of its Principal Towns

Bowen, Emanuel (m. 1676) - entre 1775 y 1795?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

85. An accurate Mercator chart of the Bay of Biscay [Material cartográfico] : with the soundings taken in the Years 1756 & 1757 By Order of the Minister of Marine in France on Board H.M.C. Majesty's Frigate the Anemone

Magin, M. - 1788
Biblioteca Nacional de España

86. An Actual Survey of the County of Norfolk To wch. will be added an Actual Survey of ye. County of Suffolk [Material cartográfico]

Wilkinson, Robert (m. ca. 1825) - entre 1775 y 1795?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

87. An Actual Survey Of The County Of Suffolk, To Which Is Added Great Part Of Ye. County Of Norfolk [Material cartográfico]

Wilkinson, Robert (m. ca. 1825) - entre 1775 y 1795?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

88. África [Material cartográfico]

Litografía de J. M. Mateu (Madrid) - entre 1870 y 1900?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

89. Africa and It's Several Regions [Material cartográfico]

Dunn, Samuel (m. 1794) - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

90. [Africa] Annual elements of climate [Material cartográfico] = Éléments annuels du climat

Comes, M. R. - 1964
Biblioteca Nacional de España

91. Albany and vicinity, New York

Geological Survey (Estados Unidos) - 1902
Biblioteca Nacional de España

92. Albany and vicinity, New York

Geological Survey (Estados Unidos) - 1897
Biblioteca Nacional de España

93. Albany sheet, New York

Geological Survey (Estados Unidos) - 1898
Biblioteca Nacional de España

94. Albion sheet, New York

Geological Survey (Estados Unidos) - 1897
Biblioteca Nacional de España

95. Alexandria Bay quadrangle, New York

Geological Survey (Estados Unidos) - 1903
Biblioteca Nacional de España

96. América Central [Material cartográfico]

Litografía de J. M. Mateu (Madrid) - entre 1870 y 1900?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

97. América del Norte [Material cartográfico]

Litografía de J. M. Mateu (Madrid) - 1900?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

98. América del Sur [Material cartográfico]

Litografía de J. M. Mateu (Madrid) - entre 1870 y 1900?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

99. An Analemma, Shewing by Inspection, the Time of Sun Rising and sun Letting, the lengths of Days and Nights, the Beginning and End of Twilight and the Point of the Compass on which the Sun TRises and Sets, for every five Degrees of Latitude, and for every five Degrees of the Sun's North and South Declination... [Material cartográfico] By S. Dunn, Teacher of the Mathematical Sciences

Dunn, Samuel (m. 1794) - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

100. And Accurate Map of Hereford Shire Divided into its Hundreds [Material cartográfico] : Drawn from the best Maps and Surveys, Illustrated with Historical Extracts relative to its Air, Soil, Natural produce, Trade, Manufactures present State of the City of Hereford and other principal Towns

Bowen, Emanuel (m. 1676) - entre 1775 y 1795?