
Registros 1-10 de 10 para la búsqueda

Tipo de documento Material cartográfico impreso Y Institución Biblioteca Nacional de España Y tipo de materia Bahamas Cartas náuticas 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

1. A chart of the Bahama Banks, with the Adjacent Islands [Material cartográfico]

Steel, David - 1787
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2. A Chart of the Gulf of Florida or New Bahama Channel, Commonly called the Gulf Passage, Between Florida, the Isle of Cuba & the Bahama Islands [Material cartográfico] : From the Journals, Observations, and Draughts of Mr. Chas. Roberts, Master in the Rl. Navy, Compared with the Surveys of Mr. George Gauld &ca.

Roberts, Charles (fl. 1794) - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3. A Chart of the Windward Passage betwees [sic] the Islands of Jamaica Hispaniola and Cuba with the other Passages to the Northward of Hispaniola [Material cartográfico] : From the Journals, Observations and Draughts of Mr. Chas. Roberts, Master in the Rl. Navy, Compared with the Pilote de l'Isle de St. Domingue of M. de Chastenet Puysegur 1787, & with the Description des Bouquements of M. Bellin 1768

Faden, William (1749-1836) - 1795
Biblioteca Nacional de España

4. A New and Accurate Mercators Chart of the Bay of Honduras Mosquito Shore and the British Yucatan also the Bahama Islands, Including Jamaica, Cuba, Hispaniola, Part of East Florida &c. [Material cartográfico] : Exhibiting at One View the Navigation of the Windward Passage, and the Gulf of Florida, with all the other Channels and Passages North of Cuba and Hispaniola

Stephenson, J. - 1789
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5. A New and Correct Chart of the West India Islands including the Gulf and Windward Passage [Material cartográfico]

Moore, John Hamilton (1738-1807) - 1791
Biblioteca Nacional de España

6. A New chart of the Bahama Islands and Windward Passage [Material cartográfico]

Price, Charles (fl. 1697-1730) - 1700?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

7. A New Chart of the West Indies including the Florida Gulf and Stream [Material cartográfico]

Stephenson, J. - 1796
Biblioteca Nacional de España

8. The Peninsula and Gulf of Florida or Channel of Bahama with the Bahama Islands [Material cartográfico]

- 1775
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9. To the Merchants, Underwriters, and Masters of Ships, Trading to Jamaica, &c. This Chart of The Gulf of Florida [Material cartográfico]

Moore, John Hamilton (1738-1807) - 1792
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10. West Indies Island of Cuba [Material cartográfico] : Cape San Antonio to Longitude 76° West with Adjacent Part of Great Bahama Bank ; West Indies Eastern Part of Bahama Islands : With part of Cuba and North Coast of Santo Domingo : Compiled from the latest British and Spanish Charts

Mahon, Charles - 1899