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Tipo de documento Material cartográfico impreso Y Institución Biblioteca Nacional de España Y tipo de materia San Cristóbal (San Cristóbal y Nieves, Isla) Mapas 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

1. A New and Exact Map of the Island of St. Christopher in America According to an Actual and Accurate Survey made in the Year 1753 [Material cartográfico] : Describing the several Parishes, with their respective Limits, Contents, & Churches, also the high ways, the Situation of every Gentleman's Plantation, Mills, and Houses, with the Rivers, and Gutts. Likewise the Bays, Roads, Rocks, Shoals and Soundings that Surround the Whole

Baker, Samuel - 1780?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2. A New and Exact Map of the Island of St. Christopher in America According to an Actual and Accurate Survey made in the Year 1753 [Material cartográfico] : Describing the several Parishes, with their respective Limits, Contents, & Churches, also the high ways, the Situation of every Gentleman's Plantation, Mills, and Houses, with the Rivers, and Gutts. Likewise the Bays, Roads, Rocks, Shoals and Soundings that Surround the Whole

Baker, Samuel - 1753
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3. An Accurate Map of the Island of St. Christophers from an Actual Survey [Material cartográfico] : Shewing the Parishes, Churches, and Rivers, Also the Bays, Rocks, Shoals, and Soundings, that Surround the Whole

Lodge, John (fl. 1755-1796) - 1782
Biblioteca Nacional de España

4. Carta de la Isla de San Christoval [Material cartográfico]

López, Juan (1765-1830) - 1780
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5. Carte de l'Isle de St. Christophe [Material cartográfico]

Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (1703-1772) - 1764
Biblioteca Nacional de España

6. Dominia Anglorum in praecipuis Insulis Americae ut sunt Insula S. Christophori, Antegoa, Iamaica, Barbados ex Insulis Antillicanis nec non Insulae Bermudes vel Sommers dictae, singulari mappa omnia exhibita et edita ab Homannianis Heredibus [Material cartográfico] = Die Englische Colonie Laender Auf den Insuln von America und zwar die Insuln S. Christophori, Anteoga, Iamaica, Barbados alles Antillische Insuln samt den Ins. Bermudes sonst Sommers genant, auf einem besondern Blaatsaemtle vor gestellet u. herausgegeben von Homaennischen Erben

Homann. Herederos (Nuremberg) - 1759
Biblioteca Nacional de España

7. Map of the Island of St. Christopher's, for the History of the West Indies [Material cartográfico]

Edwards, Bryan - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

8. St. Christophers [Material cartográfico]

Thomson John & Co. (Edimburgo) - 1814?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9. St. Christophers, or St. Kitts [Material cartográfico]

Jefferys, Thomas (ca. 1710-1771) - 1794