
Registros 1.881-1.900 de 1.943 para la búsqueda

Institución Biblioteca Nacional de España Y tipo de materia Cartas náuticas 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

1881. Spry Harbour, Port Pallisser, Port North, Port Parker, Beaver Harbour, Fleming River [Material cartográfico]

Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (ca. 1729-1827) - 1776
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1882. St. Ann's Bay, Jamaica [Material cartográfico]

Leard, John - 1792
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1883. Storm and Rain Chart of the North Atlantic

Maury, Matthew Fontaine - 1853
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1884. Storm and Rain Chart of the South Atlantic

Maury, Matthew Fontaine - 1854
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1885. The Straits of Sincapore [Material cartográfico] : with those of Durion, Sabon and Mandol

Jefferys, Thomas (ca. 1710-1771) - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1886. Strait of Secockup [Material cartográfico]

Forrest, Thomas - 1782
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1887. Sumbawa Road [Material cartográfico] : From a Ducth MS.

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - 1780
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1888. Surgideros Mathew y Molases H. 725 [Material cartográfico]

Lawrance, George Bell - 1878 (fecha del original: 1850)
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1889. Surgidero de Losada en el Cabo de Sn. Antonio al Oeste de la Ysla de Cuba [Material cartográfico]

- 1741
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1890. Survey of the Coast of Chittigan [Material cartográfico]

Plaisted, Bartholomew (m. 1767) - entre 1760 y 1784
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1891. Sydney Inlet to Nitinat including Clayoquot & Barclay Sounds [Material cartográfico]

Richards, George Henry (1820-1896) - 1895
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1892. T. Derde Deel vant Licht der Zee vaert : in houden de Beschinvinghe der ZeeKusten van de Middelantsche Zee

Blaeu, Willem Janszoon - 1618
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1893. 't Eylandt Curacao ende de afbeelinghe van't fort Amsterdam groot besteck [Material cartográfico]

Eumenius, J. L. (16..-1...) - 1676
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1894. This Chart of the Banca, Gasper & Clements Straits is Inscribed by Permission to the Society of East India Commanders London [Material cartográfico]

Robertson, George (hidrógrafo) - entre 1750 y 1800?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1895. This Chart of Dampier and Pitts Straits Laid down from Observations on the Spot [Material cartográfico] : Corrected with Capt. Wm. Frassers shore Stations is Inscribed by Permission to the East India Comanders London

Robertson, George (hidrógrafo) - 1788
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1896. To Alan Gardner Esqr. Commodore & Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships & Vessels at Jamaica &c.&c. This Plan of Port Royal & Kingston Harbours, as Surveyed by his Orden in 1778 [Material cartográfico]

Vancouver, George (1757-1798) - 1792
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1897. To his Excellency Count Peter Ivanoff Shuwaloff...This Chart of the White Sea and Entrance into the River Onega Carefully Observed in August 1755 and humbly preented By his Excellencys [Material cartográfico]

Petyt, John - 1755
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1898. To His Excellency General George Washington, President of the United States of North America This Chart, Including the Navigation from the Gulf of Florida to Philadelphia [Material cartográfico]

Moore, John Hamilton (1738-1807) - 1792
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1899. To His Majesty George the Third, King of Great Britain, &c. This Chart of Felicia and Plan of the Island Balambangan is humbly prefented Chart of Felicia and Plan of the Island Balambangan is humbly prefented [Material cartográfico]

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - 1770
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1900. To his most excellent Majesty George the IIId. King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. &c. This Chart of Part of West Indias [Material cartográfico]

Speer, Joseph Smith - 1773