
Registros 1-20 de 86 para a busca

Institución Biblioteca Nacional de España Y tipo de materia Danza 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

1. A description of the correct method of waltzing Part I containing a correct explanatory description of the several movements and attitudes in German and French waltzing [Texto impreso] : the truly fashionable species of dancing that, from the graceful and pleasing Beauty of its movements, has ebtained an ascendancy over every other department of that Polite Branch of Education

Wilson, Thomas - 1816
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2. A treatise on the art of dancing

Gallini, Giovanni-Andrea - 1772
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3. A Treatise on the art of dancing

Gallini, Giovanni-Andrea - 1765
Biblioteca Nacional de España

4. Abbregé de la nouvelle methode, dans l'art d'ecrire ou de traçer toutes sortes de danses de ville

Rameau, Pierre - 1725
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5. Almanach manuel de la danse

Rostaing, Jules (n. 1824) - 1867
Biblioteca Nacional de España

6. Anatomical and mechanical lectures upon dancing : wherein rules and institutions for that art are laid down and demostrated; as they were read at the Academy in Chancery Lane

Weaver, John - 1721
Biblioteca Nacional de España

7. Antonius de Arena, provençalis de bragardissima villa de Soleriis ad suos compagnones studiantes, qui sunt de persona friantes, bassas dansas & branlos practicantes, nouuellos quamplurimos mandat; his posterioribus diebus grassis augmentatus, & mandatis conardorum abbatis yo, de Rothomago in lucem enuoyatus

Arena, Antoine - 1670
Biblioteca Nacional de España

8. [Baile de campesinos] [Material gráfico]

Martini, Paolo Antonio - 1772
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9. UN BAYLE DE GITANO [Material gráfico] : Costumbres Andalousas = UN BAL DE BOHÉMIENS : Moeurs Andalouses

Bayot, Adolphe - 1842
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10. Briefe über die Tanzkunst und über die Ballete

Noverre, Jean Georges - 1769
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11. Compendio de las principales reglas del baile [Texto impreso]

Ramonet, José (1750-1825) - 1820
Biblioteca Nacional de España

12. Critical observations on the art of dancing : to which is added a collection of cotillons or French dances

Gallini, Giovanni-Andrea - 1772?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

13. La Danse ordinaire = Das gewohnliche Tanzen [Material gráfico]

Nilson, Johann Esaias - entre 1750 y 1788?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

14. Découvertes sur la danse [Texto impreso]

Divoire, Fernand - 1924
Biblioteca Nacional de España

15. Della danza

Moreau de Saint-Méry, Louis-Élie - 1817
Biblioteca Nacional de España

16. Della danza domestica [Texto impreso]

Bortolotti, Luigi - 1839
Biblioteca Nacional de España

17. Della forza della musica : nelle passioni, nei costumi, e nelle malattie, e dell'uso medico del ballo

Zulattï, Giovanni Francesco - 1787
Biblioteca Nacional de España

18. Domini Iohannis Ambrosii pisavriensis De practica seu arte tripudii vulgare opusculum [Manuscrito]

Ebreo da Pesaro, Guglielmo - ?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

19. Eassie Allison : Dance Acrobatic

Gerlach - entre 1900 y 1920?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

20. [Fiesta de aldea] [Material gráfico]

Julien, Laurent-Joseph - entre 1771 y 1805?