
Registros 221-240 de 67.383 para la búsqueda

Institución Biblioteca Nacional de España Y tipo de materia Donoso Phillips, José (1922-). "...más sabiduría divina, misteriosa, escondida" 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

221. A Fernando VII el Deseado [Texto impreso] : himno cantado el dia 17 de setiembre de 1814 con motivo de haberse dignado S. M. honrar con su augusta presencia la Imprenta Real

Imprenta Real (Madrid) - 1814
Biblioteca Nacional de España

222. A la fiesta que se celebró en la plaza del lugar de Chamartin, en que toreó el ... conde de Galve [Texto impreso]

- entre 1600 y 1699?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

223. A flor de piel [Texto impreso] : (Novela)

Hoyos y Vinent, Antonio de - 1907
Biblioteca Nacional de España

224. A foliada [Música notada] : cuadro sinfónico gallego

Castro, José - 1916?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

225. A foliada [Música notada]

Castro, José - 1892
Biblioteca Nacional de España

226. A free inquiry into the miraculous powers which are supposed to have subsisted in the christian Church from the earliest ages ... [Texto impreso] : to which is addad, a letter from Rome, shewing an exact conformity between Popery and paganism, or the religion of the present romans, derived from that of their heathen ancestors

Middleton, Conyers - 1825
Biblioteca Nacional de España

227. A French and English dictionary [Texto impreso]

Cotgrave, Randle - 1660
Biblioteca Nacional de España

228. A fuego lento [Texto impreso]

Bobadilla, Emilio - 1903
Biblioteca Nacional de España

229. A fuerza de arrastrarse [Texto impreso] : farsa cómica en prosa, un prólogo y tres actos

Echegaray, José - 1917
Biblioteca Nacional de España

230. A full and impartial history of the expedition into Spain: in the year, 1702 [Texto impreso] : Extracted from the jounals and memoirs of the Generals ; and from which it will be easie to draw rational conjectures, about the present enterprize to settle the Most Serene Charles III, on the Spanish Throne. To wich is added, An Account of Monsieur Chateaurenault's expedition, from his first sailing from Brest, in Sept. 1701, to his putting into Vigo, in Sept. 1702. In a letter from Monsieur de Gatines, Intendant of the Navy of France, to a Minister of State at Paris...

- 1704
Biblioteca Nacional de España

231. A full view of Papery, in a satyrical account of the lives of the papes, &c. [Texto impreso] : from the pretended sucession of St. Peter, to the present Pape Clement XI... : to this is added a confutation of the Mass, and a vindication of refor'm devotion...

- 1704
Biblioteca Nacional de España

232. A full, ample and puctual discouery of the barbarous, bloudy, and inhumane practises of the spanish Inquisition, against protestants ... [Texto impreso]

González de Montes, R. - 1625
Biblioteca Nacional de España

233. A galope tendido [Texto impreso] : juguete cómico en un acto, en prosa

Díaz de la Quintana, Alberto - 1906
Biblioteca Nacional de España

234. A general Pronuncing and Explanatory Dictionary of the english language for the use os school, foreigners & on the plan of Mr. Sheridan... [Texto impreso]

Jones, Stephen - 1810
Biblioteca Nacional de España

235. A. Gislenii Busbequii Omnia quae extant ... : quibus accedunt Epistolae aliquot : insignium quorundum virorum lectu Jucundissimae

Busbecq, Ogier Ghislain de - 1660
Biblioteca Nacional de España

236. A la gloria del Gran Arquitecto del Universo : himno plegaria

Juan X - entre 1880 y 1900?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

237. A la gloriosa victoria de los aragoneses en el día 16 de junio de 1808 [Texto impreso] : oda

A. R. M. - 1808?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

238. A Gramática das Crianças [Texto impreso]

Figueiredo, Cândido de - 1925
Biblioteca Nacional de España

239. A grammar of the Latin language [Texto impreso]

Zumpt, Carl Gottlob - 1847
Biblioteca Nacional de España

240. A grande batalha de Lerida entre o exercito del Rey christianissimo governado pello marichal de la Motha, & o de Castella, que hia a cargo dos marqueses de Terracusa, de Leganez, & outras cabeças em terça feira 7 de outubro de 1642 : Em a qual os castelhanos foraõ constrangidos a levantar o cerco, depois de haverem perdido tres mil homẽs, entre mortos, afogados, & prisioneiros, & entre elles 300 caualleiros das ordens de Hespanha

Anvers, Lourenço de (fl. 1641-1647) - 1642