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Registro 1 de 1 para la búsqueda tipo de materia Animais - Obras ilustradas 

A natural history of birds. Illustrated with a hundred and one copper plates, curiously engraven from the life /, published by the author Eleazar Albin, and carefully clour'd by his daughter and self, from the originals, drawn from the life birds

Albin, Eleazar, 1843-1923


  • Tipo de Documento Libro
  • Materia Ave
    História natural
    Animais - Obras ilustradas
    Natural history
  • Descripción física Incompleto: faltam o v. 3 e as seguintes gravuras, no v. 1: 11 - The Maccan or Macao of Brasils, 12 - The Ash colur'd Parrot, 13 - The Laurey from the Brasils, 18 - The Green Woodpecker, Picus Viridis, e 54 - The King Fisher, Alcyon; no v. 2: 17 - The Maccaw from Jamaica, 18 - The Bracelet Paroqueet from East - India e 19 - The Crown Bird from Mexico
  • Descripción Ex - libris: "De la Bibliothèque u Commandeur D'Araujo" (conde da Barca)
    il. col.
  • Identificador 276971